Supervision for Counsellors & Therapists

A simple definition of Supervision, made by Inskipp and Proctor, (2001), states:-

“Supervision is a working alliance between two professionals where supervisees offer an account of their work, reflect on it, receive feedback, and receive guidance if appropriate.  The object of this alliance is to enable the worker to gain in ethical competency, confidence and creativity as to give the best possible services to clients”.  

Supervision is primarily focused on the Supervisor helping the Supervisee/Therapist to develop their specific skills in the service of the client, but also to support the Supervisee with their own emotional and psychological processes relating to the client work. I use the word "support" here because the process of supervision does not incorporate therapy per se for the Supervisee; any areas for personal work are highlighted during supervision so that they can then be taken to dedicated personal therapy at another time. 

Further training might also be highlighted during the supervision process.

There are many models, tools, and techniques which can be incorporated into Supervision; my approach is eclectic (based on the range of approaches that I practise) and tailored to the Supervisee and their mode of therapy. It is the Supervisee's responsibility to be aware of their own professional requirements for supervision and to maintain these levels.

Group Supervision

I also facilitate group supervision for between 3 and 6 supervisees, using the same skills and experience described above. Working in groups can be very dynamic and enriching as many different experiences and perspectives are involved, along with a huge mix of client material. I also offer the use of Action Methods when appropriate, e.g. to really "step into the shoes of a client".


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